
Our own DMS: Projects Online ( is a powerful project management tool developed by EC. It is a web based platform created to ease
the information exchange during the start, planning, execution and closure phases of a project using the principles of inclusive communication.
This results in an agile and easy communication process for all its stakeholders of a project or program.

EC-PRO ( is another inclusive communication and project management tool developed by EC that allows us to have a 
unified and organized platform containing all the communication logs of a project and at the same time keeps tracks of agreements, queries and products
as shown in its three modules:
  1. Queries: Control and tracking of all issued queries and their resolutions during a project.
  2. Agreements: Centralized management of all agreements for each discipline and areas of a project.
  3. Products: Centralized management and classification of each of the last versions of the deliverables.

Our EC-IBCMS "Integrated BIM Construction Management System" ( allows us to manage and control a Construction Management project using BIM. This includes supervision tasks, project management, scheduling, scope, cost and quality control. Our tool integrates all these elements with 4D and 5D available through BIM.

  1. Quality Control and reception of works is tracked in real time on site using mobile devices that synch to our system.
  2. The BIM model is updated in real time with the construction progress.
  3. The main inputs from the client are their standards and the project schedule.
  4. The deliverables include automatic reports with accurate project information to help in the decision process.

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Get to know our office rental system in one of San Salvador's most prestigious high rise office building: 

"Torre Futura" in World Trade Center complex.


“The working relationship with EC has enabled the CABEI (Central American Bank for Economic Integration) to have timely and high quality support as well as professional trust, generating added value in the implementation of interventions for the developments the bank's finances.”

Raúl Castaneda
Country Manager El Salvador, Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI)